For product managers who work remotely, our online on-demand training provides learning opportunities for individuals and small teams who need to learn at their own pace. Each program, paired with one of Steven Haines best-selling product management books, is divided into digestible chapters with videos, check-ins, quizzes, and other learning resources.

Product Management Essentials Online Training and Certification

This online, self-paced workshop and certification program is designed for product managers who need to establish credible product leadership through a deep understanding of the business of the product, across the entire life cycle.

Product Strategy and Roadmapping Online Training and Certification

This unique, affordable online self-paced product strategy training program is designed to teach product managers or product teams how to construct a product strategy and roadmap.

Product Life Cycle Optimization Course

This online, self-paced course holds the key to your product's future. This course is designed to help product managers and their teams understand what’s required to “optimize the business” of current products.

Product Management Career Accelerator

Don’t wait for product management experience to happen to you, take charge of your product management career now!

Leading and Implementing Product Management

Derived from our instructor-led program, we help product leaders and leadership teams optimize their product organization and better enable their product managers in a unique online learning program.

Business Acumen

A product is a business in a business. Therefore, everyone on a product team, regardless of function, should understand their role in the success of that product’s business. The lynchpin is business acumen.

Mini Classes & Template Tutorials

Our library of product management template tutorials and mini-classes are built on proven practices to help product managers work efficiently, engage their teams, and earn empowerment.