What makes a GREAT Product Manager as opposed to GOOD? In Jim Collins noted book, “Good to Great,” he pointed out some of the key characteristics that separate good companies from great, high-performing…
Life as a Product Manager It’s time to think about the unthinkable. To differentiate yourself and your business or product, you must build innovative and disruptive thinking techniques into your daily…
If there’s anything I care deeply about, is to help product managers be as successful as they can. Whether you’re an aspiring product manager, a newer product manager, or someone who might need a quick…
INDUSTRY Insights Interview on Coaching Product People The product manager role is one of the most important positions in an organization. When you have great product managers, it makes your job as a leader…
No customers. No business. Simple. Right? Try this. Ask any product manager in your (B2B) company about the amount of time they spend with customers. Better yet, ask anyone in your engineering group to…
Want a Successful Product? Start With A Vision Your success as a product manager is pinned directly to the positive contributions to the firm’s bottom line. That means, your product’s business needs…
Why Customer Value Propositions are Important Product Managers must know the importance of a great customer value proposition. As we know, one of the most significant determinants of the potential success…
Create a Future-Proof Company by Optimizing the “Function of Product Management” with Sequent’s New Online Self-Paced Workshop: Implementing and Managing Product Management Managers of product managers…
The demand for new products and disruptive innovations echoes like a drumbeat through the halls of major corporations around the world. Leaders hunt for sparks from product people and others as they recall…
As a sponsor of Product Management Today, Revulytics welcomed Steven Haines into their webinar series. In this blog post, Revulytics has highlighted some of the insights from Steven’s webinar, “Walk A…
Fundamentals of Product Management – For the Last Time. People often ask me why I write books and articles about product management. Sometimes I write as an outgrowth of my benchmark research with…
Product Management Decisions Product Managers make decisions every day. Some small decisions, some very large decisions. These decisions impact our products, our customers and our business. But how do…
Effectively Managing Product Lines for Product Managers To effectively manage a product line, product managers and the teams they lead need financial data. However, often this data is unavailable. In fact…
What is a minimum viable product (MVP)? A minimum viable product (MVP) is a technique Product Managers use to launch a project into market with enough key features to test the product’s impact. Then, through…
Creating a First 90 Days Plan for Product Managers As the Product Manager’s Survival Guide (2nd edition) is readied for launch, I thought I’d share a few tidbits that went into the research for the…