Questions Every Product Manager Should Be Asking Themselves

Manage Your Products as a Business

Whether you practice agile or waterfall product development, or whether you have tangible or intangible products, it’s always critical to managing your products as a business from ideation to exit.

Ask yourself these 4 questions to see whether or not you are approaching the management of your products for future success.

  • Am I creating a clear path for the future of my product or product line?
  • Am I actively uncovering the ever-changing needs of my customers?
  • Am I developing business cases that are compelling and truly rationalize an investment into a product?
  • Am I actively managing my products and acting with a “small business” mentality?

For many of us, the role of product management becomes very re-active so the answer to some of these may be “no”.

Our Product Management Essentials Workshop is built with all of these questions in mind. Within our Product Management Essentials workshop, we work as an interactive, fun workshop that will deliver the process and tools you need to manage your products as a business owner.

In 2017, we will not only be updating our workshop to keep up with the ever-changing needs of product managers, but we are also excited to introduce our new one-day, add-on Product Strategy Workshop.

This new workshop is based on the book Creative Strategy Generation by Bob Caporale, and is a hands-on approach to creating a path for your product or product line. We will walk you through all the tools and techniques in a fun environment, so when the class is dismissed, you can leave, and immediately start to approach your own product lines for future success.

This season we have multiple workshops be sure to click here to see learn more about our product management courses.


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