We have all read an email, or text, Facebook post or Tweet that made us think the author was mad, or upset, or being rude? Have you ever been completely wrong in those feelings once you had a conversation with that person? We are living in a time where people are more comfortable socializing through anything other then face-to-face communication.
I believe that this is the cause of damaging and ineffective communication. Why do I say this? We have effectively removed all emotion, body language, voice fluctuation, eye contact, and many other items that help us truly understand what someone is saying via the unspoken word. In turn our communication breaks down, and misunderstandings become prevalent in both the personal and business world. In the end the more “connected” we are the more “disconnected” we have become.
I have worked on many teams that have been spread throughout the world, and I will tell you there is no substitute to face-to-face communication and the productivity it provides. Have you ever heard “Wow, we got so much more done in person”, or felt it yourself? It’s true; we learn so much more and communicate more effectively when socializing with our colleagues in the truest form.
With this said, we need to fight the urge to use this thing we call social media and instead just be social. This will increase productivity from both a professional and personal perspective and will allow us to be present and productive in the moment.
Here are a few things to consider to get this done:
So Buck the Anti Social “Social Media” trend and be more productive in both your life and workplace