About the Workshop

End of life, sunset, exit, and discontinuation are terms used to describe the time in the product’s life when it is no longer viable in the market because it no longer fills a need or because it has been replaced by another product from your company or from a competitor.

As every product needs to be managed across the active phases of its life cycle, so does its discontinuation and eventual withdrawal from the market.

This template is designed to help you recognize those market signals and guide you through the product discontinuation and market withdrawal process. The accompanying video tutorial explains how to use this template and the rationale behind each of the nine sections.

In this template tutorial you will receive:

  • A video tutorial to walk you through the template
  • A digital download of the 9-Step Product Discontinuation Outline (.pdf)

Become engaged in this interactive learning program from the moment you register!

What is a Template Tutorial?

From our best-selling Product Management books and workshops, you now have access to our Template Tutorial Library. Pick and choose the templates that will help you achieve success as a product manager. With each template kit, you gain access to an easy-to-use downloadable template and a tutorial video that will walk you through the template step-by-step.

How is a Template Tutorial different from our Online Product Management Workshops?

For product managers who need to complete an explicit task or document, Template Tutorials provide a unique experience.  Each tutorial consists of a video and a matching template. The video explains how to use the template so that you can gain expertise in a given area.
For product managers and their teams who need to have a more comprehensive program, either to build a foundational understanding of product management or to develop a product strategy, Sequent’s online self-paced workshops provide the breadth and depth needed for you to achieve success.

Online, On-Demand Delivery

For product managers who want to improve their knowledge and capability, and need to efficiently manage their time, our online on-demand training provides courses designed to help you learn at your own pace.   Programs are divided into digestible chapters with videos, check-ins, quizzes, and other learning resources; including a copy of The Product Manager’s Survival Guide (2nd ed.).

If you are looking to train your team, Sequent works with your company to review content, determine areas of customization, organization of teams, and arrangements for workshops for a truly bespoke experience.

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