The Customer Visit Plan helps standardize and organize all customer visits so your organization can glean the most information from each formal customer contact.

This Customer Visit Plan is designed for Product Managers and will help you define:

  1. Objective or purpose – Why is this visit being carried out? What do you want to learn? etc.
  2. Customer ‘segments’ to be visited
  3. Guidelines and ground rules to set
  4. Team members who are attending
  5. Agenda and structure
  6. Debrief (and more!)

This template is discussed in depth in our Product Management Essentials Workshop.

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We make it easy for your team to take their learning back to the office with product management and product strategy templates that are based on our frameworks, books, and workshops. Our templates and tool kits are also included in our corresponding product management and product training programs. They are included in our product management workshops.

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