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One of the key elements in positioning your product or service is to understand how the product or service offers a unique benefit for its targeted audience in relation to the competition. In other words, you want to be able to convince your customer that your product is better than your competitors’. Product managers and marketers are responsible for understanding the marketplace, including the industry landscape, the competitors who operate within those industry landscapes, and the customers who benefit from the products and services offered by those competitors. Therefore, it is incumbent on the product managers and marketers to have an ongoing, up-to-date profile of the competitors. However, of equal significance, is the analysis of competitor’s products. This information is helpful in anticipating competitor actions and in devising creative strategies to differentiate your firm’s products and services.
This “Competitive Analysis Profile and Dossier” is designed to help you think about all of the elements related to the dynamic universe of ongoing competitive surveillance and competitive product analysis. It’s meant to be used as an analytical framework so that you and your teams can make sure that you’re always on high alert for competitive signals.
This template is discussed in depth in our Product Management Essentials Workshop.
We make it easy for your team to take their learning back to the office with product management and product strategy templates that are based on our frameworks, books, and workshops. Our templates and tool kits are also included in our corresponding product management and product training programs. They are included in our product management workshops.