A Business Case is prepared in a collaborative manner by a cross-functional product team. It is a used as a vehicle to support product planning and decision making – including decisions about whether to create a new product or service, whether to enter a new market, vendor selection, or make vs. buy vs. partner analysis.

The purpose of this guide is provide a baseline understanding of and to summarize the basic steps in the creation of a Business Case for your product or product opportunity. This guide accompanies the Business Case Presentation Template, to be used to help you present your case to various audiences, and the Business Case Financials Template to be used to create the financial analysis for your Business Case.

Business Cases are generally designed to answer the question: What are the economic outcomes if we choose X or do Y? A good Business Case shows expected cash flow consequences of the decision over time, and it includes the rationale for quantifying benefits justifying expenditures. The Case also describes the overall impact of the proposal in terms that every financially astute manager or executive looks for: net cash flow, discounted cash flow, payback period, and internal rate of return

This template is discussed in depth in our Product Management Essentials Workshop.

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